Sunday, September 19, 2010

The roof!

With Fall fast approaching, the roofers came in!
Being back in school and teaching, I have no time to do this myself. Bill and Joe are two excellent guys who work fast and clean. The way the installed the roof was very impressive. 1 sheet of plywood, cover with tar paper, cover with metal roof, then on to the next sheet of plywood and continue.
So much easier than what I was planning, which was to cover the entire roof in ply, then the entire roof in tar paper, then finish the roof in metal.
They will be back up Monday to finish the job!

Friday, September 10, 2010

to paint - sprayer!

quick note -
When everyone- on the web, in person, everywhere - says using a paint sprayer is the way to go - believe them!
Tried painting with a roller and quickly realized the futility of it. Rented massive generator & sprayer- 2 coats done over 2 days - the second coat took less than 2 hours!
It's not a perfect paint job, but it sure looks good to me!
And I still hate ladders!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


With time away, I have gained a bit of perspective.

As much as I love this little cabin, there are some things I would do differently.

1) Keep to 1 story. Who knew I was afraid of heights? I didn't until I got up there. Plus it saves $ not having to buy humongous ladders, which I will probably want to build a shelter for.

2) Figure out how long it will take, and multiply by 2. Then Multiply by 2 again. And maybe again. And again.

3) Really think about how important it is to be off road. Walking stuff in is great exercise and will keep me from bringing gigantic stuff into the cabin, but I went through 6 roofers before I found one who would agree to walk to the site.

4) Buy a generator. I used battery powered tools for the most part and I thought that was fine until I used a generator. The generator was so sweet that I rented it more than I really needed it.

5) Don't even try to charge tool batteries off your car battery, wait till you get to an outlet. After burning out the car battery twice (I'm not real bright) I would try to take long drives each evening to recharge the batteries. So-so for the battery, wiped me out.