Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Many a night I have dreamed of sitting around a roaring fire with friends, feet up on the stone wall, finding topics of conversation in the embers.
We finally made it happen. With help from many friends, we built a nice sized firepit - about 8 feet across and 18 inches high.
First, my nephew Max and I gathered field stone from the many rock walls dissecting the property. Pretty much all the property is on a slope, so after pushing up a few choice barrows full of stone from below the firepit site, it occurred to me it might be easier if we took the rock from above the site. And it was; the only thing to watch out for were run away rocks as the momentum built along the downward paths.

This is one of the two piles we gathered
Max having a well deserved rest after the rock gathering.

the enchanted forest

The following weekend Margaret and Larry came up to help me put it all together. This is code for getting out of Larry's way while Margaret took pictures.

I get out of the way and Larry gets busy

I did fill the pit with sand - about a ton of it. Thank goodness it was in small bags!
In a shocking (to me anyway) 3 hours we were done.
starting the sand
 Fire in order!