Sunday, June 21, 2015

critter cam collection

Here are a bunch of pictures collected from my critter cam. The camera has worked fine, except for when the batteries died over the winter. Now using rechargeable batteries, and hoping for better results.

The images labeled 2012 are really April 2015.

And the last three are a mystery. Any ideas?

Friday, June 12, 2015

let there be solar

Finally got to build a solar panel and celebrated with light.
This is the one everyone has seen from Harbor Freight.

The cleared out shed seems to be the perfect spot.

Now I just have to remind myself why I want power.

As nice as electric light in the cabin is, it feels like the change to the space is too great. Or maybe I just need to get used to it. But charging batteries - now that I will like.
-- adding picture soon --

Sunday, April 12, 2015

April 2015

It's winter, it's spring, it's, it's...

the Catskill's in April.
The morning I arrived the tree's for miles around were gilded in ice, making the drive to the site a ghost-like passage through a shimmering grey desolation  - a feeling that only the end of winter can give.
The next day was 60 degrees, followed by a deep frost overnight and wicked winds the following sunny day.

Another reason to be there was to clear out the shed - it had been years, and the build up of stuff, mice, wasps, and other intriguing creatures had built up to a crescendo of wasted space - a place where I would quickly deposit or withdrawal items.

Such a disgusting wasted space that I couldn't even take a picture of it at it's worst. this is about half emptied:
Imagine the things I found! Many items from before I even designed the cabin - assorted windows, insulation, doors...
All went to the dump, where anything worthwhile was scooped up by others who will use it or do what I just did.
The guy at the dump was great and he took the time to direct what I was bringing down to the right people / places. So not all was landfill. This however...

Sometimes a picture (or in this case three) tells a thousand words.
The only heartwarming part is that I had seen red squirrels in here last year, so at least it was a native varmint. 

And then, presto chango, a clear shed.