the Catskill's in April.
The morning I arrived the tree's for miles around were gilded in ice, making the drive to the site a ghost-like passage through a shimmering grey desolation - a feeling that only the end of winter can give.
The next day was 60 degrees, followed by a deep frost overnight and wicked winds the following sunny day.
Another reason to be there was to clear out the shed - it had been years, and the build up of stuff, mice, wasps, and other intriguing creatures had built up to a crescendo of wasted space - a place where I would quickly deposit or withdrawal items.
Such a disgusting wasted space that I couldn't even take a picture of it at it's worst. this is about half emptied:
Imagine the things I found! Many items from before I even designed the cabin - assorted windows, insulation, doors...
All went to the dump, where anything worthwhile was scooped up by others who will use it or do what I just did.
The guy at the dump was great and he took the time to direct what I was bringing down to the right people / places. So not all was landfill. This however...
Sometimes a picture (or in this case three) tells a thousand words.
The only heartwarming part is that I had seen red squirrels in here last year, so at least it was a native varmint.
And then, presto chango, a clear shed.