My old critter camera bit the dust, so I bought a new one. Here are some highlights from the Spring. Because it is a new camera, the date & time are correct, and I can only assume the temperature is correct too - the camera does that on its own. These are all 10 second clips.
fox or coyote? Hard for me to tell but I lean towards fox - seems too small for a coyote, although they have been seen here before. Fox have not, but I'm guessing it's because of the improved capture optics on the new camera.
We have seen far too many deer, and I only post this because it shows off the improved optics of the new camera.
Seen here is an altercation between a pair of blue jays and a red squirrel. I have more of these, request if you want more.
Porcupine! A long, long time ago, when living in the Berkshires, a porcupine once gnawed into a tractor tire in it's quest for salt. The humans were not pleased.