The cabin has been standing for 10 years, and the rains in the Northeast have only increased, so I thought I would add a roof over the deck. The deck originally had a 10 by 10 tent that would cover a section, but it was a bother to put up and take down.
This portion of the deck is 10 by 16.
The first step was to attach a 16' 2 by 10 to the cabin. According to span tables I saw, the 12' attached to the cabin would allow a 4' span to float over the deck. This is super convenient because it allows me to omit a center joist in the most high-traffic spot.
The next step was adding the stud wall - this shook and swayed like all get out but I trusted my friends who said it would become well anchored once all the pieces were in place.
The rafters slipped in nice and easy although 12' 2 by 6 is a bit weighty. Cutting birdsmouth for the rafters still doesn't come naturally to me, but I finally did figure it out by the fourth try. My friends were right - the stud wall is now well anchored.
Next up was running strapping for the roofing - I'm just doing translucent plastic roofing for now, but the framing is strong enough to hold an actual plywood and metal roof.
Next, I added the roofing material and am very happy with the outcome
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