Friday, February 24, 2012

one heck of a site

The good people at is a great link for information) listed another link with a darn funny name, but an apt one - Photos of incredible cabins across the globe in every size, shape, style and location.

Don't worry - this isn't people porn, it's for those of us who lust after cabin design. Go take a look!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

snow free winter

Making up for the record breaking wet of the year before, we have seen almost no snow here this winter. Bad for snow related businesses, great for me - without snow, I have access to the cabin.
Went up for another full moon retreat and threw some flooring down. No, it's not salvaged lumber from a bowling alley being torn down, nor is it luscious oak plank flooring dovetailed together with great care and craftsmanship - it's straight from the Big Box store, cost under $300 for both floors and all the molding, and took 7 hours to install.
Voila! A clean smooth floor, and no more OSB!