Thursday, October 14, 2010

more fall foliage

And of course, no camera!
It was spectacular, really. The first dawn inside the cabin we looked west over the brilliant fall foliage as the clear purple sky went to pink as the sun rose. The pure pink next to the golds, yellows, oranges, reds and greens of the foliage blazing in the morning sun was breathtaking and a bit strange too - not a color combination often seen in nature!

The cabin is in fine shape, we finished framing the windows and the door, so it really is nice and snug inside. The first night was mild (40's) and we could heat the cabin with our 12 candle candelabra (thank you Tom!)
The next night was a different story, it was windy outside and cold - I think it went down to 28, but the kerosene heater did the trick. The cabin was warm in 10 minutes, and downright hot in 60. In the morning there was frost on the ground.
I bought the kerosene heater because it sounded good and the price was right, but in retrospect it was foolish because now I need yet another fuel source - gas for tools, gas/oil blend for other tools, propane, tiki lamp fluid and now kerosene to add to the mix. Plus the kerosene stinks. Not while it is on, only when you first turn it on and when you first turn it off. Which is two times too often.

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